Mischief Managed

words words words

Ghazan of Dotharl

Alias(es): Ghazan, Namuu, Gozuki
Age: 31
Race: Au Ra Male
Tribes: Dotharl, Dataq
Languages: Old Auri, Common, (some) Hingan
7'4 with broad shoulders and lean, muscular physique.
Tawny brown skin, often made deeper and darker after traveling weeks on end.
Expressive eyes with warm amber colors, often seen 'burning' with intensity.
Wild and flowing black hair that can reach his lower back, but is often tied back loosely.
An unusually lightweight scale pattern, covering only the top width of his shoulders and parts of his spine.
Marked by simple body art, seen primarily along the length of his arms and down to his knuckles.
A somewhat animated tail that can reach past his heels, and is especially fidgety when impatient.

Major Hooks

Wandering Heart - A custom for many Dotharl in welcoming new life is often a roaring celebration, one fit to shake the very foundations of the Dawn Throne itself. But as a child of two tribes, Ghazan was not brought into the world by the fiery warmth of a ger; to the rhythmic rumbling of drums; to howling songs and cheer that could have far outlasted the long night of his birth. Given a very different name by his late Dataqi mother, his was said to be along a dark and hardy mountain trail, to the sound of steady footfalls against well trodden earth, and to gentle hums from a caravan that stretched onwards to the horizon. Fate would eventually leave him with only stories and distant memories of his mother and itinerant cousins, and he hopes to one day rediscover that lost heritage in a sore yet honest effort to make peace, both with the Dataq and a life that never was.Warrior Soul - Brought to his Dotharli father by his mother's tribe mere months after his birth, it was among braver kin he was raised to carry the legacy of his ancestors, and given the storied name of Ghazan. While 'destined' to a life of war and death like many Dotharl, Ghazan's soul is said to have had a particular history in fighting battles far beyond those of the Steppe, and they were - and perhaps, he still is - a revolutionary who would often champion many an uncommon cause. While a complicated legacy to live up to, Ghazan's current lack of meaningful direction is usually made up for, first by his odd Dataqi habit of simply wandering into trouble, and second by his Dotharli instincts and training to fight his way out of most of them.Better Devils - While not uncommon for modern Xaela to venture beyond their ancestral homelands, it was along the One River that blah blah blah

Minor Hooks

Disciple of War - A master of his own fighting style, Ghazan will at times shift between graceful swordsmanship and more ruthless wrestling techniques, combining the lessons and disciplines of various martial forms. He is keen to learning more foreign styles and techniques, and will frequent fighting arenas and combat schools in an honest effort to keep his instincts sharp while expanding his deadly repertoire in battle, and is known to accept many duels as an adequate substitute; having made many friends and rivals through this odd social method, he will just as often place both pride and what little gil he has on the line.Fire Within - The weakest tool in his arsenal, Ghazan's control over his elemental aether is novice at best. As he is far too stubborn to even consider reading into the established theory and study of magic, he would rather rely on more 'conventional' means of practice. As such, he is limited to simple parlor tricks and the conjuring of small flames, and may or may not require more patient friends of the arcane variety.Fire Without -




Foreword: Writer is 18+ but requests a warning for mature content; by no means am I opposed to following mature and heavy themes, just let us have safe practice in respecting boundaries for both myself and yours.

You may call me Ghaz, Codex, or Dean!I'm open to both discussing long term plots or trying something more improv, but in either case, I ask that you communicate with me OOC just as much as our characters will discover about each other naturally - I enjoy suspense and drama sure, but let us as writers be on the same page as much as we can! :)Casual friendships are always welcome, and I fully endorse playing to stupid bits and having light fun. But I enjoy world building and exploring character depth just as much, so if the setting is right, expect me to swing in either direction when the mood strikes. I will usually match my partner's format, be that silly one liners, multi-paragraph, and even novella on occassion, and I'm available to RP either in-game or over discord upon request.Besides all that, I'm kind of a high functioning disaster. Approach at your peril.

Short Stories

Cloud Ruler
Lord Ena is the head of Clan Shima, a storied family renowned for their mastery of elemental winds and storms merged with swordsmanship, with Ena himself considered the most powerful of their lineage. Despite his prowess, both Ena and his family name suffered major disgrace at the hands of the ruling bakufu, and now serves Hingashi as one of three Dainagon; a chief counselor within Hingashi's less influential Imperial court. Lord Ena used many unorthodox means to defend his landed estates, including the deployment of his own Onigumi, a deadly group of outcasts and outsiders; skilled assassins and ruthless warriors capable of performing Ena's bidding in secret.
Little Sparrow
Lord Ena's only child and a trusted friend of Ghazan. Once a sheltered princess of Clan Shima, it was equal parts curiosity and a fiery rebellious nature that would allow Rie a unique perspective, where privileged family coddling otherwise could not; distraught by the struggles of her countrymen, Rie would cast aside her naivete and dedicate what little influence she had as her own court official, and would stand defiant against both her father's increasingly violent methods, and the merciless ruling of the bakufu. It was Rie that saved Ghazan from death, and convinced him of path towards his second life.